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7 Fantasies That Could Ruin Your Retirement


May 29. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter.  This issue  explores some of the most common lies we tell ourselves, any one of which could ruin our retirements. 

Jeanne, one of our members, suggested that we do more reader input stories like we had last week on the best places to retire.  We have a few ideas for topics to poll on, but would really like to hear yours! Please give us your suggestions on what we should get reader input on - we'll take your input and get started.  Here is where you can give us your member survey/poll ideas.
Pinehurst, NC
The stock market, forced early retirements, and real estate crashes have made retirement a lot more challenging than it was supposed to be. But sometimes we can be our own worst enemies, too. This article explores 7 common fantasies - any one of which could easily torpedo your happy retirement.
Lexington, KY
This beautiful island next to Sea Island is the southernmost point in Georgia with an appealing year-round climate. It is very popular as an upscale retirement destination with plenty of Spanish Moss charm and golf. Brunswick is the biggest nearby town, but Jacksonville and Savannah are also close.
The New York Time's Retirement feature is one of the most interesting, thought-provoking series we see. In this month's there are a host of articles on topics like: how other countries manage retirement, turning a hobby into a business, back to school for fun, traveling the world on almost nothing, and a lot more.
Evergreen, CO
This is a relatively new town northwest of Phoenix, Glendale, and even Sun City. Now it is home to numerous active adult developments including some very big ones. Surprise is the spring training home of 2 major league baseball teams.  The area was hit hard by the real estate meltdown, but now it's on the way back.
If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend.  We also offer 3 more: a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before),  New Active Adult Communities East, and New Active Adult Communities West (the latter 2 are weekly).


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